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PTO Announcement

Volunteers Needed for Miles Club!

Prospect Point's PTO Fall Miles Club is gearing up! We need 4 volunteers for each grade level to help during lunch recess. It's super easy... just scan students' QR code cards as they run (Kindergarten is even easier!) Miles Club will run every Wednesday for 10 weeks and takes about 25 minutes from start to finish each day. Sign in at the office five minutes before your grade level recess is about the start, scan cards as the kids run, put the cards away, and you're done! It's easy, fun, the kids love it, and we can't do it without you!

Come help with Miles Club every Wednesday
Visit with your child, get to know their friends, and connect with other parents for only 25 minutes per week!

Starts Wednesday, September 11th - Ends Wednesday, November 13th

Check the recess schedule for your child's time.

Kindergarten   10:50-11:05

1st Grade        11:00-11:15

2nd Grade       11:20-11:35

3rd Grade        11:10-11:25

4th Grade        11:35-11:50

5th Grade        11:45-12:00

Can't volunteer during the day but want to help out? We need one take-home volunteer per grade to distribute rewards each week. 

Sign up here on the VIP website

Questions? Email Jodi Adams

Printable Flyer

The Prospect Point Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is committed to enhancing and enriching the education of our children while fostering a sense of community within our school.

Our PTO sponsors numerous events and programs throughout the school year with the help of many dedicated teachers and volunteers. Through its fundraising efforts, the PTO supports supplemental school equipment, classroom funds, and activities that will enhance our school community.